Steve Ray Publications
Semantic Technology and Ontology
"Semantic Development and Integration of Standards for Adoption and Interoperability," Computer, 50, #11, p. 26-36, 2017
"An Ontology and Integration Framework for Smart Communities," Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 16, #1, 2016
“A Framework and Ontology for Mobile Sensor Platforms in Home Health Management,” MOBS 2013 – International Workshop on the Engineering of Mobile-Enabled Systems, part of ICSE 2013.
“Towards ontology evaluation across the life cycle – The Ontology Summit 2013,” Applied Ontology, 8, #3, 2013
“Ontology for Big Systems: The Ontology Summit 2012 Communiqué,” Applied Ontology, 7, #3, 2012
“The Evaluation of Ontologies,” Chapter 7 in "Semantic Web: Revolutionizing Knowledge Discovery in the Life Sciences", Springer, 2006
“The 2006 Upper Ontology Summit Communique,” Applied Ontology, 1, #2, 203-211, 2006
"Prospects and Possibilities for Ontology Evaluation: The View from NCOR," Internal EON Workshop - Evaluation of Ontologies for the Web, International World Wide Web Conference, (2006)
“Tackling the Semantic Interoperability of Modern Manufacturing Systems,” Proceedings of the Second Semantic Technologies for eGov Conference, McLean, VA, September 8-9, 2004, (2004)
"Interoperability Standards in the Semantic Web," Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2:1, 65-69, 2002
"Using Process Requirements as the Basis for the Creation and Evaluation of Process Ontologies for Enterprise Modeling," ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin, 18, #2, August 1997.
SmartGrid Interoperability
"Information Mediator for Demand Response in Electrical Grids and Buildings," Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2017), January 2017
“Self-integrating systems and standards,” Section 4.3.1 in IEEE Smart Grid Vision for Computing: 2030 and Beyond, pp.1,133, doi: 10.1109/IEEESTD.2013.6577594, April 30 2013
"Using SPARQL/OWL for Validation of Smart Grid Standards," Grid-Interop Forum 2012
Smart Manufacturing - Interoperability Lessons from Manufacturing's Turn, Intelligent Utility, 1, #2, March-April, 2009
Manufacturing Interoperability
"Towards a Method for Harmonizing Information Standards," Proceedings of the fifth annual IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2009), 2009.
“Manufacturing Interoperability,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Special Issue on E-Manufacturing and Web-Based Technology for Intelligent Manufacturing and Networked Enterprise Interoperability,17, #6, 681-688, 2006
"IPPS: An Integrated Process Planning System," Proceedings of the 22nd North American Manufacturing Research Conference Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), 2004.
"Manufacturing Interoperability," Proceedings of the Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications (CE2003), (2003)
"Manufacturing Interoperability," Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Symposium, INCOSE 2003, (2003)
"Report of the NIST MEL Architecture Task Force," NIST Interagency Report, 2000.
"An Analysis of Requirements for Specifying Manufacturing Engineering and Business Processes," NIST Interagency Report 6364, 1998.
"Process Specification Language: An Analysis of Existing Representations," NIST Interagency Report 6160, 1998.
"Proceedings of the First Process Specification Language (PSL) Roundtable," NIST Interagency Report 6081, 1997.
"Development of a Message Model to Support Integrated Design and Manufacturing," Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering Applications & Practice, San Diego, CA, November, 1997.
"Requirements for Modeling Manufacturing Process: A New Perspective," Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Sacramento, CA, September 1997.
"Using Process Requirements as the Basis for the Creation and Evaluation of Process Ontologies for Enterprise Modeling," SIGGROUP Bulletin, Vol. 18, No.2, August 1997.
"An Architecture of Component - Based CAPP Systems for Agile Manufacturing," Proceedings of the 1996 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, Albuquerque, NM, February, 1996.
"Unified Process Specification Language: Requirements for Modeling Process," NIST Interagency Report 5910, September 1996.
Special Issue on Computer-Aided Process Planning, Journal of Systems Engineering, (Guest Editor), 5, #1, 1995.
"A Production Management Information Model for Discrete Manufacturing," Production Planning and Control, Vol. 6, No. 1, 65-79, 1995.
" A Reference Architecture for Control of Mechanical Systems," 1994 Tutorial and Workshop on Systems Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, 1994.
"Reference Architecture for Machine Control Systems Integration: Interim Report," NIST Interagency Report 5517, 1994.
"A State-of-the-Art Survey on Product Design and Process Planning Integration Mechanisms," NIST Interagency Report 5548, 1994.
"Hierarchical Control Architectures from Shop Level to End Effectors," Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems, Joshi & Smith (eds.), Chapman & Hall, 1994.
"IPPS: An Integrated Process Planning System," Proceedings of the NAMRC-XXII Conference, Northwestern University, May 1994.
"A National Testbed for Process Planning Research," NIST Interagency Report 5169, April 1993.
"Control Entity Interface Specification," NIST Interagency Report 5272, 1993.
"Proceedings of the 1993 Industrial Process Planning Workshop," (Editor), NIST Interagency Report 5284, 1993.
"Data Map Workshop for Manufacturing Data", NIST Interagency Report 5160, 1992.
"Using the ALPS Process Plan Model," Proceedings of the ASME Manufacturing International Conference, Dallas, Texas, March 1992.
"Manufacturing Systems Integration Initial Architecture Document," NIST Interagency Report 91-4682, September 1991.
"Manufacturing Systems Integration Control Entity Interface Document," NIST Interagency Report 4626, June 1991.
"ALPS - A Language for Process Specification," International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, special issue on Process Planning and Design for Manufacture, 4, #2, pp. 105, 1991.
"A Modular Process Planning System Architecture," 1989 IIE Integrated Systems Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, November 12-15, 1989.
"NBS AMRF Process Planning System - System Architecture", NIST Interagency Report 88- 3820, 1988.
"Feature-Based Process Planning in the AMRF," Computers in Engineering Conference, July 1988.
"Process Reasoning," Computers in Industry, 9, #4, 329, December 1987.
"Research Issues in Process Planning at the National Bureau of Standards," 19th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, University Park, Pennsylvania, June 1-2, 1987.
"A Knowledge Representation Scheme for Processes in an AutomatedManufacturing Environment," 1986 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Atlanta, Georgia, October 14-17, 1986.
Combustion Research - (A Prior Life)
"Optical Tomography in Combustion," in Advances in Remote Sensing Retrieval Methods, A. Deepak, H. Fleming and M. Chahine (eds.), A. Deepak publishing, 1985.
"Laser Tomography for Simultaneous Concentration and Temperature Measurement in Reacting Flows," in Advancements in Non-Intrusive Diagnostics for Combustion Research, T.W. McCay (ed.), Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 92, 1984.
"The Detailed Processes Involved in Flame Spread Over Solid Fuels," Combustion Science and Technology, special invitational issue on Flame Spread Studies, 32, 33, 1983.
"Laser Tomography for Simultaneous Concentration and Temperature Measurement in Reacting Flows," American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics publication AIAA-83- 1553, 1983.
"Laser Tomography for Diagnostics in Reacting Flows," AIAA publication AIAA-82-0854, 1982.
"Flame Spread over Solid Fuels," NTIS publication PB82-206475, 1982.
"Laser Tomography for Temperature and Concentration Measurement in Reacting Flows," 1982 Fall Technical Meeting, Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Livermore, California, October 1982.
"A Study of the Heat Transfer Mechanisms in Horizontal Flame Propagation," Journal of Heat Transfer, 102, #2, 357, May 1980.
"Flame Spread in an Opposed Forced Flow: The Effect of Ambient Oxygen Concentration," XVIIIth International Symposium on Combustion, Waterloo, Canada, August 1980.
"The Combined Effects of Oxygen Concentration and Opposed Flow Velocities on Flame Spread over Thin Fuels," 1979 Fall Technical Meeting, Eastern Section of the Combustion Institute, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1979.
"Downward Flame Spread in an Opposed Forced Flow," Combustion Science and Technology, 19, 19, 1978.
"An Experimental Study of the Pathways of Heat Transfer in Horizontal Flame Spread," 1978 Fall Technical Meeting, Eastern Section of the Combustion Institute, Miami Beach, Florida, November 1978.